# Artificial Intelligence

This is a course about AI fundamental concept, learning models and relative techniques.

# Definition

The definition of AI can be classified into four dimensions.

Thinking humanly Thinking rationally
Acting humanly Acting rationally
  • Acting humanly Turing Test
    Turing Test testing whether machines have intelligent behavior like human. A computer wanted to pass the test should having the capabilities like: Natural language processing, Knowledge representation, Automated reasoning and Machine learning.

    • Category

      • (Normal) Turing Test: Avoiding direct physical interaction between interrogator and computer.
      • Total Turing Test: Providing computer vision and robotics.
    • Category about AI

      • Strong AI: Can be conscious.
      • Weak AI: Conscious is not compulsory.
  • Thinking humanly The Cognitive Modelling Approach(认知建模法)
    To find out how human think, we have the methods like: Introspection(内省)and Psychological experiments. Analyse and use it to determine whether a program of mechanism can thinking like human. Setting up a new filed called Cognitive Science which is a combination of psychology and AI.

    • General Problem Solver (GPS)
      Focusing on reasoning. Checking whether the reasoning steps are match with human's.
  • Thinking Rationally The Law of Thought Approach(法则思维法)
    Right thinking.

    • Obstacles
      1. No 100% certain knowledge.
      2. Solving problems "in principle" and "in practice" is difficult. (E.g. Having a theory but it can not be done in a reasonable time.)
  • Acting Rationally The Rational Agent Approach(理性代理法)
    Consider AI as the study and construction of rational agents.
    *Agents is something can perceive and act.

    • Advantages (compare with The Laws of Thought Approach)
      1. More general
      2. More amenable to scientific development

# References

[1] Yiu Ming Cheung. COMP 7015 Artificial Intelligence. Hong Kong Baptist University, 2020.
[2] Turing test - Wikipedia (opens new window).