# Search Strategies

In AI problems, it is important to use search strategies to find the goal in them.

# Search Types

  • Uniformed Search (Blind Search) 盲目搜索
    No other information like path cost or the number of steps are given. Only could it do is to distinguish from goal state from non-goal state.

    • Types
      • Breadth-first Search
      • Uniform-cost Search
      • Depth-first Search
      • Depth-limited Search
      • Iterative Deeping Search
      • Bidirectional Search
  • Informed Search (Heuristic Search) 启发式搜索
    Giving some other information to help finding the goal state.

# Performance Measurement

  • Completeness 完成性
    Whether the algorithm guarantee to find the solution if there is any.

  • Optimality 最优性
    Whether the algorithm could find the optimal solution.

  • Time Complexity 时间复杂度
    Time cost of the algorithm.

  • Space Complexity 空间复杂度
    Memory cost of the algorithm.


*i.e. When
is an asymptotic upper bound (渐进上界) for . If , we write .

* is a set of functions.
*O stand for the order of growth of . O 的含义是 的数量级, 是算法中基本运算的频度。

  • Search every node in the certain level before going to next level.

  • Branching Factor: The maximum number of children for each internal node in a tree.

  • Suppose the branching factor is 2. When the solution node is at the level , it should expand the maximum number of node to be .

  • Advantages

    • Complete (It is guarantee to find solution if there is any)
    • Always find the shallowest goal first when there are multi-solutions.
  • Drawback

    • Memory and time cost may not support due to it must maintained all the nodes in memory at the same time.
  • Modifies the Bread-first search strategy by always expanding the lowest-cost node.
  • The first solution found is guaranteed to be the cheapest solution.
    Uniform Cost
  • Depth-first search always expands the node at the deepest level of the tree.
    Depth-first Search

  • Advantages

    • Have modest memory Requirement. Only store a single path from the root to a leaf node, along with the remaining unexpanded sibling nodes for each node on the path. For branch factor and maximum depth , it only need nodes to storage.
    • Time complexity is .
  • Drawbacks

    • May stuck when going down the wrong path (infinite loop).
    • May find a solution path longer than optimal solution.
    • Neither complete nor optimal.

# References

[1] Y.M. Cheung. COMP 7015 Artificial Intelligence. Hong Kong Baptist University, 2020
[2] 王道论坛.2020 年数据结构考研复习指导[M].北京:电子工业出版社, 2019